Mission and Objectives of our Church School Program

    • To help our young people develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the Saints of the Church, to develop the need and sincere desire to attend all Church Services of our Faith on a regular basis, and the need and sincere desire to participate conscientiously in the worship and sacramental life of the Greek Orthodox Church.

    • To educate our younger generation religiously and morally, and to give them the tools to grow spiritually, in accordance with the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and according to the Faith and Traditions of the Greek Orthodox Church.

    • To cultivate in our young people a Greek Orthodox conscience, as well as devotion to our religious-cultural ideals and principles, and to prepare them in order that they may become faithful, unwavering and devoted members of our Greek Orthodox Church, the community in which they reside and good citizens of the United States.

The Orthodox Study Bible is the preferred bedtime reading for Pavlos Papaefthymiou (8 years old) and his dog Cookie!