2014-03-02: OCMC Mission Sunday
Post date: Jan 25, 2015 2:43:31 AM
Sunday, March 2nd, 2014, is Mission Sunday for all Orthodox Churches in America. Please pray for the tireless efforts of those who leave their homes to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth and hope of the Orthodox faith with the over one billion people who have yet to receive it. Please also prayerfully consider your role in this vital ministry of the Church.
Pray, Give, Go - Make disciples of all nations!
All St. Nicholas Church School students have received and will bring home a coin box to collect money for the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) during lent. Students will return the coin box to the church the Sunday after Easter (Sunday of Thomas).
The OCMC sponsors mission teams all over the world to bring the message of Christ to all people. Its many projects include spreading the word of God, the construction of churches and schools, outreach to orphans and the poor, and health care. Please encourage your child/children to participate in this far-reaching and most important philanthropic work.
For more information and how to help please visit the OCMC website: